Friday, November 22, 2013
Episode Two of SKYE: "Welcome to my City"
Welcome to Episode Two of SKYE of the DAMNED! We are excited to bring you the next installment of the show. Here's the synopsis and link....ENJOY!
SYNOPSIS: Music, murder, and mayhem...Skye MacKenna (played by Lauren Steinmeyer) finds herself in over her head at the goth/industrial club when she discovers the NYC scene and city are way more vamped out than she was told.
-Tamsin :)
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Episode One of SKYE is LIVE!
As many of you know, I have been working on a Web Series called SKYE OF THE DAMNED. today is Halloween...we thought it would be the perfect day to release Episode One. you go! Enjoy and please, share the link to everyone you know! LOL!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Remembering Paul Butterfield
Today is a day to remember those who lost their lives here in New York on 9/11/01…but I am busy mourning someone closer to me…who was killed on 9/9/13. Trooper Paul Butterfield was shot in the head by a 19 year old boy in a stolen vehicle with his 20-year-old pregnant wife during a routine traffic stop. This man’s father was a cop, so he knew exactly where to shoot. Yet Paul was strong enough to hold on until he was air lifted to a hospital in Traverse City. Sadly, he died during surgery and we lost a great man…and I lost a piece of my heart.
I’ve known Paul since I was around 6 years old. He didn’t live on Westbridge Court with me and the other boys of my class, but he lived in the apartments down the road and happened upon us one day on his exploring of the neighborhood and we adopted him. We grew up building forts in the storm ravaged woods behind the court, swimming (ok, dunking me under if we’re going to be honest here…ha!) in the Hernick’s pool, and playing kickball/softball on the court. He once said to me, after we were adults, your mailbox was always 3rd base…and I had to laugh…cause it was funny that he remembered that. So few would.
I had the joy of dating Paul for a while in 2007 (into 2008). There’s a fun story that leads up to that and I’d like to share it. So, he was one of the few people I wanted to see at our 10-year reunion, but when he didn’t make it, I used the address they had in the books we got, and wrote him a letter to him in Hawaii. But I never heard from him. Come to find out, later on, he did get the letter, but it was just before he was moving back to the “main land” and had put it into a book and hadn’t found it again until later. When he wrote me, the letter came back b/c I’d moved to New York. Then MySpace was invented and he found me. We talked on the phone a lot because I lived in NYC and he was up in Manistee, MI. Then I went to visit him and things became more romantically involved. But we both knew I couldn’t move to Manistee…and he couldn’t leave, though he talked of becoming a police officer in Connecticut if he got laid off when Michigan was making their cuts around that time.
If it had been later in my life, like say…now, I could have left NYC. As a writer, I can be anywhere. But at the time I was doing theatre/running a company here…so the timing was off. The day of our 20th year reunion he met me at a store near my dad’s place. We shopped and caught up, and then we sat in his car and he let me know he’d met a great girl who lived near him that he was dating. It hurt, for I loved him dearly…but I knew she was a better choice for him at that point in my life for multiple reasons. Primarily because I couldn’t live in MI and she did. I wanted him happy more than anything, so I let him go without a fight. That wonderful woman's name was Jennifer and I was right to let him go…he spent the next 5 happy years with her, and then they got engaged. I was SO happy he was happy! Of course, part of me never stopped loving him. How could I not? He was a good man and he’d been a part of my life in so many ways since I was a child.
He loved to tease me about dodge ball. LOL! God, I hated that game! He admitted to always throwing it at me…and to knowing I used to step out of bounds on purpose. Oh how I laughed! He remembered tripping me in grade school more than once…which I didn’t remember at all. So I teased him back and said, “So you’ve always liked me. I see how you are.” He laughed and admitted I had a point. To know someone has thought highly of you your whole life, as you have them, was something that touched my heart in a way no one else could have.
There are many memories of Paul that make me laugh…three in particular come to mind. One was that he wore balloons under his shirt and a skirt (and a wig if i remember correctly) to my birthday party when we were around 10 or so (there might be a pic somewhere, I'll look!). God how we laughed at/with him! The second one was when he scared Jenny Hargett and me on Devil’s Night on our way to TP some poor gal’s house. It was dark at the end of our street and we came around the corner and was on a run…and about ran us over! We screamed and he laughed, making us laugh as well. That boy was always running! Third memory has to do with running also. I went to watch him run a race at the high school track our senior year and he was way ahead of everyone else, as usual. We were screaming and yelling…and then he won…and ya know what? Everyone else still had a whole other lap to go! HA! We all just cheered as we went over to congratulate him, laughing the whole way at how everyone was still running for 2nd place.
When I found out he’d become a cop…I was surprised. I’d thought for sure he’d have been a professional running trainer or in the Olympics. He was in the Pan-American games I believe. And he ran in Hawaii, where he also was the manager of a running-shoe store there…but he came back to the states and became a cop…which he loved. With how big a heart he had…it really shouldn’t have been that big of a surprise that he served. Being a cop means you take the hardest job and make it yours without a second thought. Once, we were at the bus stop and the neighbor’s cat got hit by a car and killed in front of us all. Paul was the one to go get the cat from the road and take it to the family. He’s always been a cat guy…pets in general really…but cats were a soft spot for the man (he has like eight!). For him to do that had to have been hard…but it was the right thing to do, so he did it, and then he went to school. I remember seeing him in the hall that day and I asked him if he was okay. He said he was, but his eyes said he wasn’t really…but he thanked me for asking, even though he had to be a big 6th grade boy about it.
I always cared for Paul. Then I got to love Paul as an adult. I still love him. My heart is broken and I’m hurting more than I can really express. But once time heals some of this pain, I’ll have all the great memories of our childhood together and the time we dated. There will be the memories of our playing as children, talks over & about wine, our trip to Traverse City, our window-shopping, our swimming in the lake near Manistee, our discussions about dogs and music (he turned me on to Switchblade Symphony), our late night calls when he was stuck sitting in his cop car in the snow, and many other things that make me smile.
I treasured him. I hope he knew that. I will miss him immeasurably.
💔 Tamsin
For those who have not heard about or know Paul, here are just a few of the links to see who he was:
Friday, July 26, 2013
Magical Words!
Eh-hem...I mean, today I am guest blogging on the amazing website, MagicalWords.Net.
Last time, and my first post ever on the site, was on June 27th...the day we held our fund raising party for Skye of the Damned. They are having me back today to write again. In June I spoke of the challenges of writing for screen vs. writing for books (you can go read it HERE). Today I'm speaking about an artist's state of they can get down on themselves by failing to remember the good, fretting about things they can't change, and forgetting to enjoy what they have done.
This has been weighing on my mind a lot as I've been a yo-yo myself lately. One moment I'm proud of my work and what I'm doing...the next minute I'm down on myself and in a total depressed/stressed out state. This is something that plagues all matter what area they are in, be it writing or dance or painting or acting get the picture.
So head on over and maybe my words will encourage and empower you today...for that's what I was trying to accomplish with this.
Have a great week...and btw...on THIS blog, in honor of my Bday yesterday, I tell you how to download my short story, Heroes Square for suggest you get your butt on over to the blog and read! And while you're there, read posts from other writers....these people who write for this blog are amazing!!!!
Write Hard!
Tamsin :)
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Thursday, July 25, 2013
Today I'm a guest blogger on I SMELL SHEEP!
Today you can find me having a discussion with Skye MacKenna over at the I Smell Sheep Blog!
This was a fun adventure for me, actually. Usually when I write for a blog, I'm writing about writing or character or giving advice or talking about what I'm working on....but instead, I was told to come up with something a bit different. I was given ideas and examples...and I decided that the lead protagonist in Skye of the Damned, Skye MacKenna, IF she could complain...would complain about all the hardships I've given her to start off with in the show.
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Anyhoo....back to what I was saying...If Skye could bitch about the hand I'd dealt her and I could retort, I thought it might be fun and a good way to talk about SKYE OF THE DAMNED as well as a good way to have my say (or basically justify) why Skye isn't "perfect"...why she makes rash decisions and messes up. First off, it's a hell of a lot more interesting and's easier for people to relate to since they, too, are not perfect.
But enough about why or what I wrote. Head on over to the blog and read the silliness for yourself! OH...and since it's my Birthday TOMORROW (YAY!)...I'm giving away a book for 2 weeks...but you have to read the post to see how to get it!
Hope you like it!
Tamsin :)
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

TONIGHT I will be on LA Talk Radio on the show called Broad Topics to talk about SKYE OF THE DAMNED at 10:05pm EST....which is 7:05pm if you are in LA. The link is HERE.
Hope you can listen in! If can use that same link tomorrow (or the next day) to listen to the recorded version of the show!
And for those of you who are new to my blog because you heard me on the air...WELCOME! For more on SKYE scroll on down for links to video and head to Facebook for pics of the cast!
Tamsin :)
Thursday, June 27, 2013
FACT: Unless we raise $10,000 we cannot even hope to start shooting this amazing online TV Show! We really need YOUR help! Please please please donate...every dollar helps!
Here's the link to the fundraising video that lists all the prizes you can qualify for as well:
OR, if you live in NYC, come to the fund raiser party TONIGHT, June 27th! We will be partying in the downstairs bar of Lilly O'Brien's Irish Pub located at 67 Murray St, New York, NY 10007. We will be there from 6pm to 10pm!
Entrance fee is only $10 (but we'll take more) ;)
With your entrance fee you will get a raffle ticket. If you want more raffle tickets, you can purchase them throughout the party for more chances to win things! Lilly O'Brien's has GREAT yet not-expensive food and drinks...and a full bar just for us!
So if you want, come on out and party with cast members and their friends tonight! We'd love to see you there! If you can't make it...please donate on line! (Here's the address if the link above isn't working for your phone/computer/tablet:
Thanks so much! The list of the prizes tonight at the party are below! Hope to see you there!
Tamsin :)
Raffle Prizes:
VampireFreaks HOODIE
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Magical Words!
I am excited to announce that I get to do a guest blog post on on June 27th, 2013!
This is a group of amazing, New York Times best selling authors (started by David B. Coe, Faith Hunter, and Misty Massey for giving professional writing advice from published authors) and I've been given the honor of writing a guest posts for them! YAY! Not only that...but another spot in July! I feel so honored, I cannot begin to explain. Plus, these folks are not only talented writers, but great people (I know them from conventions). They made a new author like me feel like I belonged where I am. Because, I'll be honest, I'm just waiting for someone to say, "Who do you think you're trying to fool! You're no writer!"
I think that comes from being self published. Of course, I was originally published under a small press...but I'll be honest, I've gone further as a self published gal. I don't think that was the small press' fault though, I just think that my book series was sitting in the wrong genre when it was known as the Adult Paranormal Romance, "The Betrayal." This story belongs in New Adult...or Young Adult Urban Fantasy. The proof is in the pudding, as it has thrived (and me along with it) since the switch in October 2012.
Anyway, I digress, the piece I wrote for them is entitled, "Jumping Out Of Your Comfort Zone." It's about my writing process for SKYE of the DAMNED...why it differs from writing my books and what about it was frustrating. It's also about how I pushed past that and made it a rewarding experience. One of my better blog posts I think...and it's not even on MY blog! LOL!
SO...on Thursday, come back here and click on that link for Magical Words at the top and go see the post! PLUS...I'm using that post to release the first cast pic taken for SKYE. It'll be the only place to see it'll HAVE to go look, right? RIGHT!
In NYC it is 92 degrees out today. UGH. My poor, fluffy pooch! Good thing I left the AC on for His Hairyness. Hope everyone is staying cool, wherever you're living.
Tamsin :)
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"Magical Words" art by Mikkoliini |
I am excited to announce that I get to do a guest blog post on on June 27th, 2013!
This is a group of amazing, New York Times best selling authors (started by David B. Coe, Faith Hunter, and Misty Massey for giving professional writing advice from published authors) and I've been given the honor of writing a guest posts for them! YAY! Not only that...but another spot in July! I feel so honored, I cannot begin to explain. Plus, these folks are not only talented writers, but great people (I know them from conventions). They made a new author like me feel like I belonged where I am. Because, I'll be honest, I'm just waiting for someone to say, "Who do you think you're trying to fool! You're no writer!"
I think that comes from being self published. Of course, I was originally published under a small press...but I'll be honest, I've gone further as a self published gal. I don't think that was the small press' fault though, I just think that my book series was sitting in the wrong genre when it was known as the Adult Paranormal Romance, "The Betrayal." This story belongs in New Adult...or Young Adult Urban Fantasy. The proof is in the pudding, as it has thrived (and me along with it) since the switch in October 2012.
Anyway, I digress, the piece I wrote for them is entitled, "Jumping Out Of Your Comfort Zone." It's about my writing process for SKYE of the DAMNED...why it differs from writing my books and what about it was frustrating. It's also about how I pushed past that and made it a rewarding experience. One of my better blog posts I think...and it's not even on MY blog! LOL!
SO...on Thursday, come back here and click on that link for Magical Words at the top and go see the post! PLUS...I'm using that post to release the first cast pic taken for SKYE. It'll be the only place to see it'll HAVE to go look, right? RIGHT!
In NYC it is 92 degrees out today. UGH. My poor, fluffy pooch! Good thing I left the AC on for His Hairyness. Hope everyone is staying cool, wherever you're living.
Tamsin :)
Monday, June 10, 2013
Con Carolinas 2013, Part II (the tale of car and phone troubles!)
Con Carolinas 2013...yeah...I got more for ya! :)
The booth was small and in a hallway with few people and sorta lit badly, but I still sold some YAY!
The picture above was my set up on the very narrow half table display. Somehow I got it all on there except the SKYE posters. I promised, I said on my last post that I'd let you know about the strange things that happened to me with concern to the rental car and my phone.
I land in Charlotte on Wednesday afternoon, my friend Sarah picked me up and we headed off to pick up my car from Budget Car Rental.....and we couldn't find it. There was a shopping plaza where the navigation system led us using their address....but all that's there is an Avis Car Rental. So we call to see if that's it and no one will answer. We then go up to the door to see a sign that says they'll be back in 10 minutes.
Still no one to work the counter. Door locked. *sigh* So we call corporate. They send my rental to another location and we try to find that one...yeah, that took probably longer than waiting for the moron at the first location since we got a bit lost by the GPS machine. Then, when we get there, they tell me I can't pay with my Debit Card. O_O Say what???? "Ok," I say, "I can pay in cash." Nope. Nada. No cash accepted. Need a credit card. Well...balls. I don't have one. So we head to lunch and I call around.
So I went online during lunch and reserved a car. We went after some great food at Chili's and this car is what I ended up with. At first I was like, "WTF is a Yaris?" (see pic above) Yeah....I can tell you what a Yaris is now....MY NEXT DAMN CAR...that's what it is! This cute little thing has the most amazing get up and go, brakes, and gas milage! In three days of driving around, the gas went from above full to full. That thing drops into ECO even on the highway at 60mph if you are holding steady.
So, that wasn't my only issue with mechanical items that weekend. My cell phone decided to play hide and seek a few times on me. I thought I left it in the bathroom and was going crazy...even excused myself from a panel to run back to the bathroom to verify. It was under my chair in the dark. (See kids, this is what lack of sleep can do to you!). The next phone hid under a couch-bed in an RV. Ken and I went to say goodbye to Faith on Sunday and hung out for a bit. After we left and they headed to dinner I couldn't find my cell. I could've sworn I had it at Faith's RV. We wooshed back and caught her husband before he phone. I went back to the hotel. No phone. I was like...."Really? Twice in one day?" Then Ken says, "Don't you have that 'find your iPhone app on you iPad?" YES! YES I DO!
We use the internet of the hotel and BAM! It says my phone is in the RV. LOL! We go back, call Faith's husband, he comes back from dinner (I still feel bad for that!) and we lift up the hidda-bed of the couch and there she is...laughing at me. Damn phone! But hey...proof of how that app totall rocks! Right?
Anyhoo...what's funny is that, even as tired as I am at this point, we go to dinner with friends where I drink some wine and eat a big meal...needless to say, I passed out almost sitting up at the end of Ken's couch while everyone else is talking around me and the thunderstorm that knocked out power roared outside. I woke up 2 hrs power...sticky contacts...purse still slung around me. HA! That's tired, people!
So...NEXT time I do the con...I will try a table again...see if I get with the other authors this time and how I sell. If I don't, I'll just do panels. It just wasn't cost effective with buying the books, shipping them there, shipping them home...etc.
I will say, the con was worth it even if I didn't sell a lot...I met a lot of AMAZING authors and got to know them both on panels and off and that alone was worth the entire trip!
NEXT? A re-do of Boston Comic Con on Aug 3-4! Until then...I leave you with some pics of some of the better costumes at Con Carolinas 2013! Enjoy!
Tamsin :)
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Con Carolinas 2013, Part I
Been there, done that, survived it, and had a blast!
So, as some of you know, this was my first con that I went to as a Guest...that means, ya don't pay to go unless you want to have a table or bring someone to watch it with you. It also means you get to participate on panels! I had the honor of speaking at panels like; The Undead as Characters, Getting Over Yourself, The Pros & Cons of Self Publishing, Urban Fantasy, Setting the Scene, The Entourage, The Heroine, and I crashed a panel for Large Casts (gee, can't see
Now, even though I didn't sell a lot, I did make some amazing friends there and got lucky enough to spend some time with one of my favorite people and writers, Faith Hunter (pic of us on the right).
I also got lucky enough to spend time with old friends I'd not seen in awhile...both planned and unplanned! For example, I got home from the con on Friday night after we exited a late panel at 1am, and who should be there? But an old student of mine, Lindsey Rinehart (pic of us on the left). Not our best pic ever, but it was like...2am or something so...hence. :)
I also got to see my old roommate (when I lived in Charlotte, NC), Niki Hunter! She drove up from Pickens, SC to see me (pic on the right)! It was SOOO good to see her too!
Plus...who can go without mentioning David...aka the real "2Doggz"....(If you've read Living Dead Girl and onward in the Windfire series, you will recognize the name)...Pic of us to the left...and man, do I look tired or what?! I need to stop having pics taken of me late at night after a day of a convention! LOL!
Been there, done that, survived it, and had a blast!
So, as some of you know, this was my first con that I went to as a Guest...that means, ya don't pay to go unless you want to have a table or bring someone to watch it with you. It also means you get to participate on panels! I had the honor of speaking at panels like; The Undead as Characters, Getting Over Yourself, The Pros & Cons of Self Publishing, Urban Fantasy, Setting the Scene, The Entourage, The Heroine, and I crashed a panel for Large Casts (gee, can't see
Sales weren't amazing but then again, I was a late add (table wise) and ended up in what we affectionately called, "The Dungeon." We didn't get as much foot-traffic as everywhere else so...less sales. Here's to hoping the online sales spike though.
I received a lot of positive feedback about SKYE OF THE DAMNED, which was really nice. I even got to talk about the premise at the Urban Fantasy panel and the whole thing got some applause. I was floored! I sincerely hope they enjoy what we put out this fall! A lot of people came up and told me they were looking here's to hoping, right?
Anyhoo....I also saw Paula (who spent a long Saturday watching my table, God bless her!), Josh, Sarah, Carol, and Ken (as planned) but then...ran into Connor (an old friend of my days LARP-ing in Charlotte) and then...the strangest thing happened. I walked into a small party in the hotel room of one of my writer pals and as I squeeze through the people, someone yells out my real name (for Tamsin Silver is a pen name). As I'm at the con as Tamsin, and everyone knows me as such, let me tell hear my real full name yelled out was startling, to say the least. Everyone looked rather confused...except the man who yelled it out. Turned out to be Jason, an old student of mine from a high school I taught at down south. I didn't recognise him at first, of course, but one he said his name I did. How strange for him to be in one of many rooms in a hotel that I just happened to walk into! It was really wonderful to see he was a happy adult and I got to meet his wife.
There's more, but we'll save it for the next blog entry! For I have funny stories for you about the issues I had with getting my rental car AND how on Sunday my phone tried to disapear not once...but twice!
Until then...
Tamsin :)
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Meet Cillian Black, the Vampire Prince of Manhattan in SKYE!
As previously mentioned, the political upheaval within the Vampire and FAE groups is an underlying storyline in SKYE OF THE DAMNED. Because of that, we are casting a full set of royaly in both the Vampire and the FAE camps. On the Vampire side, you have a prince or princess for each burrough and a King who they all answer to. Today I'm here to reveal who will be the Prince of Manhattan, Cillian Black.
Prince Cillian Black will be played by none other than the owner of VampireFreaks himself, Jet Berelson

Since Jet is a friend of mine as well as running VF and being the producer on this web series adventure...I knew the minute I started to write this that he had to be in it. HAD TO BE. The question was...where? Prince Cillian (and yes, I chose the first name because I adore the actor, Cillian Murphy) seemed to be the logical choice because, #1, he's a Vampire, and #2, because the character runs the clubs and parties for the scene in the story (as Jet does in real life here in NYC) and #3...well...oh...why don't we let you wait to find those out on your own.
I can promise you that Prince Cillian will first show up in Episode Two of the series along with King Xavier. That are probably wondering why Jet is not playing the King! There's a good reason...but you'll have to wait and see...I CAN say this much...we are hoping to have a celebrity from the goth/industrial/EBM music world in that role. SO stay tuned to find out who that will be AND....
Up NEXT on "Casting News" for SKYE...find out who will be playing Nicolai Winters! So come back and see us tomorrow! xoxo - Tamsin :)
Meet Danae, the Queen of the FAE Unseelie Court in SKYE!
We've got something special for you all when it comes to the dark queen...the Unseelie Queen of the FAE. Danae will be played by none other but the rockin' Ballerina of Burlesque, Miss Aurora Black!
That's right! Miss Aurora Black will be taking the reins on the mischevious queen.
Aurora is originally from Chicago, IL, and has been studying ballet for fourteen years...and been a professional ballerina for seven. She speaks both English and French, has studied Classical Acting at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, and holds a BA degree from Smith College in Dance Performance and Choreography.
Miss Black can be found performing all over New York City in some of the top Burlesque venues and works with Ten-In-One Productions, Tiny Dancer NYC (Artistic Director/Choreographer), Alvin Ailey, and was the Artistic Director from 2009 to 2011 of the West Village Musical Theatre Festival. For more on her, go HERE.
I've known Aurora since 2009 and am very excited to get the opportunity to not only showcase her acting, but her dancing talents on SKYE. And yes, this picture to the right is ALSO Miss Black... "versitile" doesn't cover her quite well enough...but I suppose its the word we'll have to use for now.
Up next? Who is playing the Vampire Prince of Manhattan? Stay tuned and find out!
Tamsin :)
Aurora Black. Photo by Trivett Photography |
Aurora is originally from Chicago, IL, and has been studying ballet for fourteen years...and been a professional ballerina for seven. She speaks both English and French, has studied Classical Acting at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, and holds a BA degree from Smith College in Dance Performance and Choreography.
Miss Black can be found performing all over New York City in some of the top Burlesque venues and works with Ten-In-One Productions, Tiny Dancer NYC (Artistic Director/Choreographer), Alvin Ailey, and was the Artistic Director from 2009 to 2011 of the West Village Musical Theatre Festival. For more on her, go HERE.
I've known Aurora since 2009 and am very excited to get the opportunity to not only showcase her acting, but her dancing talents on SKYE. And yes, this picture to the right is ALSO Miss Black... "versitile" doesn't cover her quite well enough...but I suppose its the word we'll have to use for now.
If you have any interest in seeing Miss Black perform...visit the FB Fan Page for Skye of the Damned and see that we've posted about a special show she is not only in...but producing!
And as can catch her at other locations by visiting her calendar on her site.
I cannot even BEGIN to explain how excited we are to see where this bodacious bombshell takes the character of Danae!
Tamsin :)
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Who is Finn Malloy from SKYE?
Who is that tall, ginger-haired man?
Why, that's Finn Malloy.
Oh...I mean...that's Mark Rosenthal, our fight choreographer and captain for SKYE OF THE DAMNED.
Then who is Finn Malloy?
That's the number one question....guess you'll have to watch SKYE OF THE DAMNED and find out!

Mark is originally from Rhode Island and is a graduate of the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA), The New School (for Musical Theatre), and the International Stunt School. He is also a member of the Society of American Fight Directors. Mark is one of those tripple-threat people...he sings, moves well, and acts. He's worked with the Hispanic Flamenco Ballet and the San Diego Opera to name a few places. He's a fellow avid fan of Joss Whedon (as everyone should be in my opinion), won't miss a Renaissance Faire...and owns lots and lots of weapons. He is also the younger brother of Celine Rosenthal, one of my friends and a Producer on the Broadway show, Leap of Faith. It's a talented family...what can I tell you?
I met Mark through Celine one New Years Eve...about 5 years ago (I think) at Vince Phillip and Rachel Grundy's New Years Eve Party and had a hard time believing he was Celine's "little" brother. Since then, I've worked with Mark on various projects. The two you'll spot him on most are the photo shoots for my books Moon Over Manhattan and Windfire / Living Dead Girl. As you can see in both the videos and still shots, Mark was our weapons specialist...and...he, along with his assistant, Trevor Swann, worked on the Bo Staff fight you see at the end of the Windfire video.
Sadly, I can't really tell you all much about the character Mark will be playing, Finn Malloy, or it gives too much away about the storyline of the web series...but he's an important character who is both tied to the political issues in the city as well as Skye's safety...or lack thereof.
I am looking forward to seeing what people think of his character as they gets bits and pieces as the story unfolds.
Tomorrow we will reveal two more cast members! Prince Cillian Black and Danae, the FAE Unseelie Queen back tomorrow and find out. Until then...scroll down if you missed the announcements for Joelle Meadows and Jackson Reece!
Tamsin :)
Meet Jackson Reece from SKYE!
Skye may have moved around a lot as a kid due to her mother's fears...but when her mother died when Skye was only 12 years old, her step-father, Jackson Reece, takes care of her...raising Skye as his own with the help of his two brothers.
We are excited to announce that Jackson Reece will be played by Vince Phillip.
I moved to NYC in Septemer of 2012. I was lucky enough to get hired as a Stage Manager for a show right off the bat. It was called, The Wake fo Jamey Foster, written by Beth Henley and directed by Chris Presley. I mention Chris because he was an amazing director AND it is because of him that I met Vince. He said to me, "I've got this friend from Texas...he'd be great at Wane Foster. I'm bringing him in."
Well, that person was none other than Vince Phillip. The first day I met him, I was asking the cast members for phone numbers. I asked him for his cell number and he said, "I'm not that convenient." LOL! (he's "that convenient" now, though). That dry humor was the tip of the iceburg on this talented man. He ended up becoming one of my best friends and I attribute the fact that I made it through the adjustment to living in NYC to him, as well as Anna & Paul VanEtten (who were producers on Jamey Foster). You may recognize him from the photoshoots (both in the video and stills) from Moon Over Manhattan and Windfire / Living Dead Girl as he is also a phenominal photographer.
Originally from Texas, Vince was raised partially on an US Army base over seas (in Germany, primarily) and then came back to the states to attend college at The University of Texas at Austin where he almost became a professional ballet performer. Instead, he opted to become an actor (lucky us!) and eventually left Texas for New York City (a few years before me) and his resume of work both in theatre and film in this city is extensive. He was one of the founding memebers of TheatreRats and currently is involved with both Dysfunctional Theatre Company and Hudson Warehouse (like Rachel Grundy) and works for American Ballet Theatre.
I specifically thought of Vince when I wrote the role of Jackson Reece and am very excited to have him on board this crazy train. He's professional, talented, and I believe will bring an authentic and powerful performance to Episode One (and onward) for Skye of the Damned.
UP NEXT...."Who is Finn Maloy?" stay tuned!
Tamsin :)
We are excited to announce that Jackson Reece will be played by Vince Phillip.
I moved to NYC in Septemer of 2012. I was lucky enough to get hired as a Stage Manager for a show right off the bat. It was called, The Wake fo Jamey Foster, written by Beth Henley and directed by Chris Presley. I mention Chris because he was an amazing director AND it is because of him that I met Vince. He said to me, "I've got this friend from Texas...he'd be great at Wane Foster. I'm bringing him in."
Well, that person was none other than Vince Phillip. The first day I met him, I was asking the cast members for phone numbers. I asked him for his cell number and he said, "I'm not that convenient." LOL! (he's "that convenient" now, though). That dry humor was the tip of the iceburg on this talented man. He ended up becoming one of my best friends and I attribute the fact that I made it through the adjustment to living in NYC to him, as well as Anna & Paul VanEtten (who were producers on Jamey Foster). You may recognize him from the photoshoots (both in the video and stills) from Moon Over Manhattan and Windfire / Living Dead Girl as he is also a phenominal photographer.
Originally from Texas, Vince was raised partially on an US Army base over seas (in Germany, primarily) and then came back to the states to attend college at The University of Texas at Austin where he almost became a professional ballet performer. Instead, he opted to become an actor (lucky us!) and eventually left Texas for New York City (a few years before me) and his resume of work both in theatre and film in this city is extensive. He was one of the founding memebers of TheatreRats and currently is involved with both Dysfunctional Theatre Company and Hudson Warehouse (like Rachel Grundy) and works for American Ballet Theatre.
I specifically thought of Vince when I wrote the role of Jackson Reece and am very excited to have him on board this crazy train. He's professional, talented, and I believe will bring an authentic and powerful performance to Episode One (and onward) for Skye of the Damned.
UP NEXT...."Who is Finn Maloy?" stay tuned!
Tamsin :)
Meet Joelle Meadows from SKYE!
Let's talk about ensemble. If you look the word up, one of the definitions says, "A group of supporting entertainers, as actors, dancers, and singers, in a theatrical production." And that's what we will have with SKYE OF THE DAMNED! We have a leading lady, but we also have an ensemble of supporting actors. We already told you about the detectives, but they aren't Skye's peers. There are seven people that will fall into the catagory of the club kids that make up the ensemble that surrounds borrow a "Joss term"...they are her "Scooby Gang."
Our FIRST of that gang is the lovely Joelle Meadows, played by Lindsay Kitt Wiebe. She is Skye's roommate in the story. Joelle has witch blood in her veins but tends to not dabble as much as her siblings. She works for a goth/industrial store in NYC and is best friends with DJ Phaedra and Madison Park. She's outgoing but has a tendency to be shy. She also has a crush on a certain vampire we won't name yet.
I met Lindsay in 2004, when she was in a show called "Agrippina" (and the Dance Captain for it as well) here in NYC with a theatre company known as TheatreRats. Lindsay also performs with Point of You Productions (with Cedric Jones) and Hudson Warehouse (with Rachel Grundy). She has studied in England as well as at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA and The Academy for Classical Acting in Washington DC (where she was also a part of The Constellation Theatre Company).
Even though Lindsay's talent is rooted in an amazing understanding of Shakespeare, she will lower herself to come do our Urban Fantasy web series.....ooh...maybe I could get her to do her lines in iambic pentameter? LOL! Just kidding. Maybe. ;)
But to be serious and honest, Lindsay is fantastic at both comedy and drama...the Bard...and hell, everything I've ever seen her in. She steals scenes without meaning to, makes you laugh until your sides hurt, and can bring you to tears with her honest to goodness dramatic performance the next. Skye is lucky to have a roommate like her.
Up Next on the "Who's Cast in SKYE?"........Oh........well.......Skye's father.....yep! So stay tuned!
Tamsin :)
Our FIRST of that gang is the lovely Joelle Meadows, played by Lindsay Kitt Wiebe. She is Skye's roommate in the story. Joelle has witch blood in her veins but tends to not dabble as much as her siblings. She works for a goth/industrial store in NYC and is best friends with DJ Phaedra and Madison Park. She's outgoing but has a tendency to be shy. She also has a crush on a certain vampire we won't name yet.
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Lindsay Kitt Wiebe |
I met Lindsay in 2004, when she was in a show called "Agrippina" (and the Dance Captain for it as well) here in NYC with a theatre company known as TheatreRats. Lindsay also performs with Point of You Productions (with Cedric Jones) and Hudson Warehouse (with Rachel Grundy). She has studied in England as well as at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, PA and The Academy for Classical Acting in Washington DC (where she was also a part of The Constellation Theatre Company).
Even though Lindsay's talent is rooted in an amazing understanding of Shakespeare, she will lower herself to come do our Urban Fantasy web series.....ooh...maybe I could get her to do her lines in iambic pentameter? LOL! Just kidding. Maybe. ;)
But to be serious and honest, Lindsay is fantastic at both comedy and drama...the Bard...and hell, everything I've ever seen her in. She steals scenes without meaning to, makes you laugh until your sides hurt, and can bring you to tears with her honest to goodness dramatic performance the next. Skye is lucky to have a roommate like her.
Up Next on the "Who's Cast in SKYE?"........Oh........well.......Skye's father.....yep! So stay tuned!
Tamsin :)
Monday, March 25, 2013
Meet our Vampire Detectives from SKYE!
First, you met the FAE Detectives of SKYE OF THE DAMNED...but in order for there to be balance, there are also Vampire Detectives. For while the Vampires must allow the FAE to investigate their issues/deaths, so must the FAE allow the Vampires to investigate theirs.
Today, on the Skye of the Damned FB Fan Page we introduced you to two of the Vampire Detectives.
First is Vampire Detective, Brooke Delaney. A sassy, smart, snarky Detective who loves nothing more than making FAE Detective Carter's life, a bitter hell. Played by Rachel Grundy.
Some of you may recognize this lovely Brit as the voice of the WINDFIRE Audio Books (Coming Soon) or you may recognize her from the photoshoots for "Windfire" (which used to be called, Living Dead Girl) and "Moon Over Manhattan" for modeling for the role of Rachel Joans in those two series. Or maybe, just maybe, you recgonize her from her amazing band, Coyote Love! Where she both sings and plays a miriad of wind instruments (from flute to sax). Rachel also is very involved as a performer with Hudson Warehouse and as a writer/performer with Dyfunctional Theatre Company.
I wouldn't say the girl's busy or anything...O_o LOL!
Other than all that, Rachel holds a degree from the University of East Anglia in English Literature and Drama in England and brings both an amazing & wide array of experience to this project. There's few who know my writing better than her, and for that reason, I know she will bring a humor and a realness to Detective Delaney I couldn't really trust to anyone else. We are very honored to have her involved in this project!
NEXT...Meet Vampire Detective, Ethan Vale. If Delaney is the fire, he is the water...but get him to a boiling point and he'll hold his own! This clever, handsome, and steady Detective will be played by Cedric Jones.
Cedric has been seen in shows around New York City for many years and is currently proud to be the Literary Director of Point of You Productions, who have been producing quality, original shows, in the city for over TEN years! Cedric, like Rachel, can be found modeling for the "Moon Over Manhattan" photo shoot in the role of Brush.
Originally from South Carolina, Cedric graduated with a BA from Winthrop University (my alma mater as well) and is a published Poet. You can find his book, I Wear the Colour Green, on Amazon.
To be given the gift of working with people who have been in my life for so long makes me feel blessed. It not only will be wonderful to watch Cedric & Rachel create these characters from the inside out, but to have people I trust give you, the audience, wonderful performances that take you on a fantastic journey of who-done-its, romance, and possible Cedric in drag...but I'm not promising anything. :)
NEXT announcement will reveal Skye's roommate, the FAE Seelie Queen, Skye's father, and Prince Cillian Black himself! So stay tuned!
AAAANND...if you're not a fan of SKYE OF THE DAMNED on really should be! You can "LIKE" us at
Best, Tamsin :)
Today, on the Skye of the Damned FB Fan Page we introduced you to two of the Vampire Detectives.
First is Vampire Detective, Brooke Delaney. A sassy, smart, snarky Detective who loves nothing more than making FAE Detective Carter's life, a bitter hell. Played by Rachel Grundy.
Some of you may recognize this lovely Brit as the voice of the WINDFIRE Audio Books (Coming Soon) or you may recognize her from the photoshoots for "Windfire" (which used to be called, Living Dead Girl) and "Moon Over Manhattan" for modeling for the role of Rachel Joans in those two series. Or maybe, just maybe, you recgonize her from her amazing band, Coyote Love! Where she both sings and plays a miriad of wind instruments (from flute to sax). Rachel also is very involved as a performer with Hudson Warehouse and as a writer/performer with Dyfunctional Theatre Company.
I wouldn't say the girl's busy or anything...O_o LOL!
Other than all that, Rachel holds a degree from the University of East Anglia in English Literature and Drama in England and brings both an amazing & wide array of experience to this project. There's few who know my writing better than her, and for that reason, I know she will bring a humor and a realness to Detective Delaney I couldn't really trust to anyone else. We are very honored to have her involved in this project!
NEXT...Meet Vampire Detective, Ethan Vale. If Delaney is the fire, he is the water...but get him to a boiling point and he'll hold his own! This clever, handsome, and steady Detective will be played by Cedric Jones.
Cedric has been seen in shows around New York City for many years and is currently proud to be the Literary Director of Point of You Productions, who have been producing quality, original shows, in the city for over TEN years! Cedric, like Rachel, can be found modeling for the "Moon Over Manhattan" photo shoot in the role of Brush.
Originally from South Carolina, Cedric graduated with a BA from Winthrop University (my alma mater as well) and is a published Poet. You can find his book, I Wear the Colour Green, on Amazon.
To be given the gift of working with people who have been in my life for so long makes me feel blessed. It not only will be wonderful to watch Cedric & Rachel create these characters from the inside out, but to have people I trust give you, the audience, wonderful performances that take you on a fantastic journey of who-done-its, romance, and possible Cedric in drag...but I'm not promising anything. :)
NEXT announcement will reveal Skye's roommate, the FAE Seelie Queen, Skye's father, and Prince Cillian Black himself! So stay tuned!
AAAANND...if you're not a fan of SKYE OF THE DAMNED on really should be! You can "LIKE" us at
Best, Tamsin :)
Friday, March 22, 2013
Character List for "Skye of the Damned" for Auditions
HELLO to all you amazing actors/actresses out there that are signing into my blog today to see the list of character information for auditions on Wednesday.
I'll keep this brief as I can as I'm SURE you have a lot to do.
Madison Park – An aspiring actress, "Maddie" is Skye's best friend from college. A red-headed woman in her early 20's, she wears her heart on her sleeve, isn't afraid to stand up for herself, has a mouth on her that would rival a sailor at time, and is larger than life without being obnoxious. She is single but has a tendency to date the "wrong guy."
Kyle Lawson – A musician in his mid to late 20's, Kyle is a friendly guy who has trouble with committment, stating his musical career (or the pursuit thereof) is where his focus should be. However, he's a romantic at heart and very likely the most misplaced of the bunch in the goth/industrial scene. Steady and affectionate, he is the person people count on. Possible love interest for Skye.
Nicolai Jordan – A young man in his early 20's, he is Kyle's roommate and best friends with Joelle (Skye's roommate) and Jillian (he and Kyle's other roommate). Nic is out of the closet gay with much flourish. And though everything now is "fine," he had a drug problem as teen. His family still won't accept his sexuality. They just ignore it. So he doesn't visit them, talk to them, or talk OF them very often. He currently works a few jobs as he goes to FIT. Once of which is the receptionist for a hair salon in the West Village.
Silas Winters – One of two Vampires of the group. Silas is easily the "fuck up" of the club kids group of friends. He is known to be a player, be mouthy, speak before thinking, but he's loyal to his friends and tries not to be an idiot. He wants to be a romantic, but he's heart broken over the girl who killed him and won't let that go. He is currently dating Amara Raine, works for King Xavier and Prince Cillian, is fast, a good fighter, and a bit reckless.
Amara Raine – The second Vampire of the group, Amara is known for being a bit of a bitch, very possessive of her boyfriend (Silas), needy, clingy, and jealous. BUT, she loves her friends, those she has, and would fight to the death for them. Killed by a drug dealer in the 80's, Amara has issues with trust and is violently against drugs. She works as a drug councelor in the evenings as well as models for alternative magazines and websites that cator to goth/industiral/fetish.
DJ Phaedra – A woman in her early to mid 30's, this blonde haired, blue-eyed, gal is originally from Kansas and works in the goth/industrial world as a DJ (in Boston as well as NYC), has a black cat named Sabbath, is recently out of a long term relationship, and just moved into her own pad in Brooklyn. She works for Vampire King, Xavier Keenan and Vampire Prince, Cillian Black with parties and events, and has a side business of fortune telling tarrot cards and cupcakes. Plus, she does extra work for films in NYC.
Hayden Fletcher – A tall, well built man in his 20's, he is a bit of a drifter, moving from town to town claiming he has a severe case of "wanderlust." He's got a lot of professional fight training and tends to carry jobs that run along those lines in whatever city he lives in. In NYC he gets a job as a bouncer at the goth/industrial clubs. He meets the group, as well as getting the job, when he arrives in town just as a friend of the inner circle dies, taking that person's room in the apt to keep the others from getting evicted. Hayden is not his real name. He's not what he seems.
Shana – A casual friend of the group, more so because she's a bartender who works exclusively for the Vampire royalty, Shana is a steady girl who moved to NYC to act, but can't seem to really get started persuing it. She's happy enough bartending, making good money, meeting important people in the Vampire Royal community, and partying with them. In her spare time she likes to take classes at he gym and be an extra on movie sets in the city with DJ Phaedra.
Ella – A woman of poise and power, Ella is the long reining queen of the Seelie Court of the FAE (Fallen Angel Errant), a people damned by God for showing ambivalence during Lucifer's War. One of her only children, for the FAE cannot have many, is missing and presumed dead and Ella is on a search to find out who is to blame. She also is at odds with the Queen of the FAE Unseelie Court, Danae, and though the two of them don't usually see eye to eye...they are secretly plotting together to take the city from the Vampires. Ella is beautiful, smart, sexy, ruthless, mischievous, and a bit mean.
Garnet (Vampire Princess of Brooklyn) – A rough and tumble young lady with a heavy Brooklyn accent and a love for Brooklyn and all that's in it. She and Tobias are neck-n-neck for who would take Prince Cillian's job if he were to die or become King.
Tobias (Vampire Prince of Queens) – Affectionately known as the "Queen of Queens," Tobias is an outlandish, loud, lovable, man who takes pride in his job and outlandish fashion. He and Garnet are neck-n-neck for who would take Prince Cillian's job if he were to die or become King.
Marcel (Vampire Prince of The Bronx) – Hispanic or African American young man who, from the outside, appears to lead a thug gang, but is educated, rich, and is so "high class" that its almost comical at times. He often is unsure which version of himself is the real him. He is very involved with trying to clean up The Bronx.
Portia (Vampire Princess of Staten Island) – A "JAP" (Jewish American Princess) in both looks, attitude, and voice. She is a socialite with nothing on her itinerary except shopping, fund raisers, showing up places to be "seen" and paid for that publicity, and to party. Very pretty but very shallow. She means well...she just doesn't always care to.
Kerian Wolfe (Knight to the Seelie Queen) – A man sworn to protect his queen. An assasin for the Seelie Court as well as the Queen's right hand man.
Alexei Gage (Knight to the Unseelie Queen) – A man sworn to protect his queen. An assasin for the Unseelie Court as well as the Queen's right hand man.
I wish you all the best of luck on Wednesday!
Best, Tamsin :)
I'll keep this brief as I can as I'm SURE you have a lot to do.
Madison Park – An aspiring actress, "Maddie" is Skye's best friend from college. A red-headed woman in her early 20's, she wears her heart on her sleeve, isn't afraid to stand up for herself, has a mouth on her that would rival a sailor at time, and is larger than life without being obnoxious. She is single but has a tendency to date the "wrong guy."
Kyle Lawson – A musician in his mid to late 20's, Kyle is a friendly guy who has trouble with committment, stating his musical career (or the pursuit thereof) is where his focus should be. However, he's a romantic at heart and very likely the most misplaced of the bunch in the goth/industrial scene. Steady and affectionate, he is the person people count on. Possible love interest for Skye.
Nicolai Jordan – A young man in his early 20's, he is Kyle's roommate and best friends with Joelle (Skye's roommate) and Jillian (he and Kyle's other roommate). Nic is out of the closet gay with much flourish. And though everything now is "fine," he had a drug problem as teen. His family still won't accept his sexuality. They just ignore it. So he doesn't visit them, talk to them, or talk OF them very often. He currently works a few jobs as he goes to FIT. Once of which is the receptionist for a hair salon in the West Village.
Silas Winters – One of two Vampires of the group. Silas is easily the "fuck up" of the club kids group of friends. He is known to be a player, be mouthy, speak before thinking, but he's loyal to his friends and tries not to be an idiot. He wants to be a romantic, but he's heart broken over the girl who killed him and won't let that go. He is currently dating Amara Raine, works for King Xavier and Prince Cillian, is fast, a good fighter, and a bit reckless.
Amara Raine – The second Vampire of the group, Amara is known for being a bit of a bitch, very possessive of her boyfriend (Silas), needy, clingy, and jealous. BUT, she loves her friends, those she has, and would fight to the death for them. Killed by a drug dealer in the 80's, Amara has issues with trust and is violently against drugs. She works as a drug councelor in the evenings as well as models for alternative magazines and websites that cator to goth/industiral/fetish.
DJ Phaedra – A woman in her early to mid 30's, this blonde haired, blue-eyed, gal is originally from Kansas and works in the goth/industrial world as a DJ (in Boston as well as NYC), has a black cat named Sabbath, is recently out of a long term relationship, and just moved into her own pad in Brooklyn. She works for Vampire King, Xavier Keenan and Vampire Prince, Cillian Black with parties and events, and has a side business of fortune telling tarrot cards and cupcakes. Plus, she does extra work for films in NYC.
Hayden Fletcher – A tall, well built man in his 20's, he is a bit of a drifter, moving from town to town claiming he has a severe case of "wanderlust." He's got a lot of professional fight training and tends to carry jobs that run along those lines in whatever city he lives in. In NYC he gets a job as a bouncer at the goth/industrial clubs. He meets the group, as well as getting the job, when he arrives in town just as a friend of the inner circle dies, taking that person's room in the apt to keep the others from getting evicted. Hayden is not his real name. He's not what he seems.
Shana – A casual friend of the group, more so because she's a bartender who works exclusively for the Vampire royalty, Shana is a steady girl who moved to NYC to act, but can't seem to really get started persuing it. She's happy enough bartending, making good money, meeting important people in the Vampire Royal community, and partying with them. In her spare time she likes to take classes at he gym and be an extra on movie sets in the city with DJ Phaedra.
Ella – A woman of poise and power, Ella is the long reining queen of the Seelie Court of the FAE (Fallen Angel Errant), a people damned by God for showing ambivalence during Lucifer's War. One of her only children, for the FAE cannot have many, is missing and presumed dead and Ella is on a search to find out who is to blame. She also is at odds with the Queen of the FAE Unseelie Court, Danae, and though the two of them don't usually see eye to eye...they are secretly plotting together to take the city from the Vampires. Ella is beautiful, smart, sexy, ruthless, mischievous, and a bit mean.
***The following roles below are open to be cast, however, all of you will see that you are
called in for one of the 9 characters listed above to keep things simpler. Please read these below in case one of them sounds interesting and you can list it on your audition sheet.***
Garnet (Vampire Princess of Brooklyn) – A rough and tumble young lady with a heavy Brooklyn accent and a love for Brooklyn and all that's in it. She and Tobias are neck-n-neck for who would take Prince Cillian's job if he were to die or become King.
Tobias (Vampire Prince of Queens) – Affectionately known as the "Queen of Queens," Tobias is an outlandish, loud, lovable, man who takes pride in his job and outlandish fashion. He and Garnet are neck-n-neck for who would take Prince Cillian's job if he were to die or become King.
Marcel (Vampire Prince of The Bronx) – Hispanic or African American young man who, from the outside, appears to lead a thug gang, but is educated, rich, and is so "high class" that its almost comical at times. He often is unsure which version of himself is the real him. He is very involved with trying to clean up The Bronx.
Portia (Vampire Princess of Staten Island) – A "JAP" (Jewish American Princess) in both looks, attitude, and voice. She is a socialite with nothing on her itinerary except shopping, fund raisers, showing up places to be "seen" and paid for that publicity, and to party. Very pretty but very shallow. She means well...she just doesn't always care to.
Kerian Wolfe (Knight to the Seelie Queen) – A man sworn to protect his queen. An assasin for the Seelie Court as well as the Queen's right hand man.
Alexei Gage (Knight to the Unseelie Queen) – A man sworn to protect his queen. An assasin for the Unseelie Court as well as the Queen's right hand man.
I wish you all the best of luck on Wednesday!
Best, Tamsin :)
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Meet our FAE Detectives from SKYE!
Seeing as our fantasy series will contain political upheaval between factions in the city, between the F.A.E. (Fallen Angel Errant) and the Vampires...and we have people who die...we need detectives to lead investigations and find themselves neck deep in the issues as well.
Today, on the Skye of the Damned FB Fan Page we introduced you to two of the FAE Detectives.
First is FAE Detective Dorian Steele. Played by Joshua Price.
I have known Josh for many years...and had the honor of both directing him and producing shows he has been in. Josh is originally from Charlotte, NC, and holds a MFA from University of Florida.
You can follow him on Twitter at: @ActorJoshPrice or find him on FB! I'm sure he will have tons of great "on set" pics to share once we start filming.
We are very lucky and thrilled to have someone with Josh's credentials, work ethic, and talent on board. I'm so excited to see what he does with the role of Dorian Steele!
NEXT...Meet FAE Detective Grant Carter, played by Chris LaCour. Every good/pretty-cop dective needs a bad-cop/bad-boy detective as a partner, right? Well, Carter is right on the money!
New to working with Black Paw Productions (yeah, that's my Productions "handle") we are really happy to have this native New Yorker on board and to be honest, I think I'm in love with his character all ready (as I've written 4 episodes so far)...probably as much as I adore Chris. He is fun loving, talented, got amazing screen presence, and will make you laugh your ass off. You can find Chris on FB and I'm still working on getting him to join Twitter! ;)
Best, Tamsin :)
Today, on the Skye of the Damned FB Fan Page we introduced you to two of the FAE Detectives.
First is FAE Detective Dorian Steele. Played by Joshua Price.
I have known Josh for many years...and had the honor of both directing him and producing shows he has been in. Josh is originally from Charlotte, NC, and holds a MFA from University of Florida.
You can follow him on Twitter at: @ActorJoshPrice or find him on FB! I'm sure he will have tons of great "on set" pics to share once we start filming.
We are very lucky and thrilled to have someone with Josh's credentials, work ethic, and talent on board. I'm so excited to see what he does with the role of Dorian Steele!
NEXT...Meet FAE Detective Grant Carter, played by Chris LaCour. Every good/pretty-cop dective needs a bad-cop/bad-boy detective as a partner, right? Well, Carter is right on the money!
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Chris LaCour |
New to working with Black Paw Productions (yeah, that's my Productions "handle") we are really happy to have this native New Yorker on board and to be honest, I think I'm in love with his character all ready (as I've written 4 episodes so far)...probably as much as I adore Chris. He is fun loving, talented, got amazing screen presence, and will make you laugh your ass off. You can find Chris on FB and I'm still working on getting him to join Twitter! ;)
NEXT announcement we'll reveal the Vampire Detectives...cause trust me...these two men have adversaries...and the Vamp Law tend to not always play well with the FAE Law!
Until then...If you're not a fan of the SKYE OF THE DAMNED Facebook page...YOU SHOULD BE! You can "LIKE" us at
Best, Tamsin :)
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