So guess what?
I will be! (Insert "Squee" here)

She is also a published writer/artist as well. This is her book, and you can get it on Amazon HERE!

Here are some examples of her work that she's taking to a convention this weekend:

Here's a nice close up of one of the prints while on her computer:

If you were at my Book Release Party this past October you had the honor of meeting my loverly blue-haired, UK, lady. And if you follow me on Twitter I tend to RT her costumes and drawings a lot.
And before you ask, no, I do not have an offer from a publisher on this project...but once we have the first section of the book done, you can be sure we'll begin to shop it around. *Fingers Crossed*
Now, you may be asking, "Why not Living Dead Girl?" That's a good question. It comes down to the fact that LDG already has a platform, in print, with Eirelander Publishing. They own that story right now and even if they didn't, Moon Over Manhattan has a bit more punch...literally. More fighting (can you say sword and gun fight in Central Park to open it off with?), fewer characters, fewer locations, fewer perspectives (only two in this book), and a kick ass female character (Denika) that my Beta Readers say is one of their favorite female character they've ever read. She's based on a mix of three people: Me, my longest best-gal-pal (20 yrs) Angie, and some of my bestie in NYC, Lauren (who modeled for Denika), thrown in.
Ana will get to have fun drawing goth/industrial clothing & body art, goth/industrial clubs, sword fights, and NYC in all its glory...as well as those cool yet flawed characters. Characters who fight to figure out their own life while they save NYC from those who wish to start another war within the Clandestine World in 2010, a year after the LDG Series concludes.
So stay tuned for more news and samples of the work Ana and I will post here and on HER BLOG. You can also follow her on Twitter: @anacatris if you want faster updates to the project and other things she's working on.
Tamsin, out. ;)
One of my fave candid shots of me and Ana at my book release party (with Lauren as well in her long dark wig):